Serving in worship

God uses the work of many hands in the worship experiences at PFLC.  Below are ways people come together to help.

Worship Assistants are trained by the pastors to lead worship services with the pastor on a scheduled basis. Scripture readers prepare the prescribed reading beforehand in order to proclaim the Word of God articulately. Ushers tend to the details: unlocking doors, turning on the lights, handing out worship folders, collecting our offerings, guiding us to the altar table for communion and cleaning up after worship. Communion assistants help serve the bread and wine of communion. Acolytes light and extinguish the candles and assist with communion. Child care providers are available all morning. Greeters in the narthex welcome people into worship.


Cathedral Choir is an adult (9th grade and older) choir, providing musical support and a musical offering each Sunday during one or both of the traditional services and participating in the community Christmas concert. Debbie Collier directs, and rehearsals are on Wednesdays, 7-8:30pm.

Organist is Miriam Haddon. She provides accompaniment and worship music for the traditional services.

Altar Guild

 Altar Guild members take care of the practical aspect of worship. They prepare the altar on Fridays for Sunday services. They also take care of the paraments and communion supplies, refill the candles and hang the seasonal banners. Altar Guild meets the last Wednesday of each month at 10am to set their schedules for the month.