Will I be welcome? In worship at PFLC, you will find people of all different backgrounds. If someone like you isn’t already in worship, your participation will make the body of Christ more full in this place and will be a witness for others.
Getting situated
You can check out the map for directions before you head out Sunday morning. Once you get here, you’ll find a parking lot on the uphill part of the campus, a row of parking across 4th avenue, and a lot on the downhill part of the campus, near the Christian Center. There are designated handicapped spaces in both main lots, and just for you, there is designated visitor parking at the top of the hill, providing easy access to either the traditional sanctuary or the upper door of the Christian Center.
There are two worship services each Sunday morning, with an educational hour in between. Please check out the Sunday morning page for more information.
No public introductions here
You will be greeted with smiles and handshakes. We do ask all attenders, longtimers and first-timers, to complete a Keeping in Touch card. Place the card in the offering plate as it is passed, as a symbol of your offering of yourself to God this day. On the Keeping in Touch card, you can indicate any questions or prayer requests you have. PFLC’s prayer circle, women’s groups, and staff are all dedicated to praying for those in need.
What should I wear?
God accepts us as we are — no matter who we are, what we do, what we look like, or how we dress. There is no dress code. Worshippers at PFLC wear anything from jeans and tee shirts to slacks and golf shirts to suits or dresses. Please wear whatever you feel is most comfortable for you in this setting.
What about kids?
Children infuse a vital energy into worship, and there is a place in the sanctuary for quiet play, with a place for parents to sit with them. It’s also important for parents to be comfortable, so if needed, there is a care room with a window into the sanctuary and a speaker broadcasting the service, and there’s a dedicated nursery space with a broadcasting speaker where parents can sit with their children. Ask an usher for directions to any of these spaces.
What about the offering?
At some point in worship, tithes and offerings will be gathered. This is an opportunity for God’s faithful to acknowledge that all we have is from God and to live their faith through giving — serving others through financial offerings. The offerings are used for ministry here and around the world as we attempt to serve our neighbors everywhere. Placing the Keeping in Touch Card in the collection is a symbol of our offering of ourselves to our Lord in worship and service today. You are welcome to participate in the offering in whatever way you desire.
Will I be able to follow the service?
Everything you need in order to follow the service is in the bulletin you will receive from the usher as you enter the worship space. The psalm and hymns are found in the red hymnal in the pew rack.
May I take communion? How does it work?
Holy Communion is one of the ways God comes to us. The meal is the Lord’s, and we are merely the servers and diners. Thus, at PFLC, all are invited but not required to receive communion.
Participants come forward by the center aisle to the servers at the baptismal font. Please step forward to the server, and open your hand to receive the bread, saying, “Amen.” Step over to the wine servant and dip your bread or wafer into either the wine or the grape juice, then, as you eat, return to your seat by the side aisle.